
Serene Village that Tourists Throng to Learn Digo Culture

Digo traditional dancer, Mwanakombo Ali [right] entertains a guest, Hanif Ahmed Poona at Mwakamba Village, Diani in Kwale County on December 3, 2023. [Omondi Onyango, Standard]
This is an article about a village in Kenya that is becoming a popular tourist destination. The village, Mwakamba, is located near the Diani Beach and is home to the Digo tribe. Tourists come to Mwakamba to learn about Digo culture, which includes traditional food, dance, and music.

The village also has Kaya shrines, which are religious sites. The article discusses how tourism is benefiting the local community by creating jobs and providing income for villagers. Some villagers are concerned that tourism could harm their culture, but others believe that it can be a positive force for change.

To read more of the article, go to – https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/article/2001487469/serene-village-that-tourists-throng-to-learn-digo-culture

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