Launch of Kenswed M-School Hub in Solio Castle, Naro Moru

Launch of Kenswed M-School Hub in Solio Castle, Naro Moru

Onion Harvest – Farming Program

We had an onion harvest as part of our farming program.

Delivery of Farm Produce to Various Outlets

Over the weekend, we made several deliveries of farm produce to various outlets in Nairobi.

Harvesting Ongoing – Farmers Program

This weekend we continued with harvesting on the farms – cabbages and tomatoes. 

Onion Farming at Ndolo’s Farm

Onion farming at Ndolo’s farm who are part of our Farmers Empowerment Program. 

First Harvest of Crops from our Farmers Empowerment Program

Our dedicated farmers have just brought in their first harvest of crops.

Farmers using Solar Media to learn about Farming & Crop Techniques

Farmers who are part of our Farmers Project in Makueni use Solar Media tablets to learn about best crop & farming techniques. 

Solar Lights Donation in Lamu County

During a recent visit to Lamu County, Mama Layla team donated solar lights to households.

Donation of Solar Kits to Lamu Mosque

Donation of Solar Kits (Solar Media Tablets & Study Lights ) to Masjid Umar, a mosque in Lamu County.

Installing Solar Media at Konza Farm, Kathunzweni

Mama Layla team installs Solar Media kits at Konza Farm, Kathunzweni.

Nyandarua Farmers Visit

We visited Nyandarua to sensitise farmers about our Farmer’s Program. The program aims to educate farmers on new practices or […]

Tertiary School Giving Hope to Poor & Vulnerable Youth in Laikipia.

Tertiary School Giving Hope to Poor & Vulnerable Youth in Laikipia.

Small Scale Farming Updates

Transplanting begins for the small scale farmers program.

Tailoring Skills at Kenswed M-School Hubs

Students are given a demo of a sewing machine at one of Kenswed M-School Hubs.

Solar Media Kits Donation by Kingdom Bank

Solar Media Kits Donation by Kingdom Bank. The event took place in Kwale county and is part of the Cultural […]

Syngenta Partnership with Mama Layla

Mama Layla Partnership with Syngenta and Standard Group.

Solar Media Donation in Mtito Andei

Kenswed TVET donated Solar Media kits to participants in Mtito Andei.

Kenswed M-School Hub in Lodwar

Kenswed M-School Hub in Napetet, Lodwar.

M-School Hubs – Partnership with Kenswed TVET

Mama Layla, in partnership with Kenswed TVET, is empowering communities through a comprehensive vocational training program.

Serene Village that Tourists throng to Learn Digo Culture via Standard Media

The article discusses how tourism is benefiting the local community by creating jobs and providing income for villagers.