
Mama Layla in partnership with Solar Run recently launched a revolutionary product, Solar Media. The solar product that is designed to aid in education and provide homes with clean lighting.

Here are some of news articles that have featured the Solar Media project.

  1. Xinhua – Chinese, Kenyan firms jointly roll out solar-powered tablets for marginalized communities – https://english.news.cn/20220928/b9ddb2a042e947bdad512244e3a2b133/c.html
  2. Xinhua – Chinese, Kenyan firms jointly roll out solar-powered tablets for marginalized communities – http://www.china.org.cn/world/Off_the_Wire/2022-09/28/content_78442932.htm
  3. EyeShenzen – SZ, Kenyan firms jointly roll out ‘solar media’ –  http://www.eyeshenzhen.com/content/2022-09/30/content_25393420.htm
  4. China Daily – Empowering the last mile community in Africa – https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202209/28/WS63345caaa310fd2b29e7a46e.html
  5. China Express – Chinese, Kenyan firms jointly roll out solar-powered tablets for
    marginalized communities – http://ke.china-embassy.gov.cn/eng/zgyw/202209/P020220930071035800907.pdf
  6. Zambezi News – Solar-powered tablets for marginalised communities-  https://zambezinews24.com/solar-powered-tablets-for-marginalised-communities
  7. The Standard – Social enterprise lights villages with skills – https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/enterprise/article/2001457882/social-enterprise-lights-villages-with-skills