Blessed Peace Rescue Centre - Mama Layla Solar

About Campaign

Home: Blessed Peace Children Rescue Centre.
Location: Makindu, Makueni County
Population: 80 children.
Current Situation: The Home has about 80 children, with 45 staying at the home while the rest (35) are in boarding schools. They have a good kitchen but it’s dark as there’s no source of light. They also have a dormitory but it lacks light.

They have several classes used by the children to study. Because the classes are not lit, the children can’t study at night. The home has 3 pit latrines (toilets). At night, it is difficult to use them as there’s no lighting.

What the Home Needs

• 8 Home Lights to light up classrooms, dormitory and kitchen.
• 5 Mini lights – for use within the home.
• 3 Task lights – for lighting up the toilets/pit latrines.

Project Status: 100% Funded

Donated by Simran Ahluwalia through an Initiative of Sikh Temple Makindu.

Project Cost

In total, the school requires 16 solar lights. To ensure they have a suitable studying & living environment. The cost of the project is: